Undyed Spinning Wool /Ryeland/ Batts Hand Carded 50 g 1.7 oz


Hand Carded Batt: Ryeland

This was processed by hand from the fleece. It was washed and carded into batts. Vegetable matter has been removed, but again, this was done by hand and so there will be some left in the batts. This can easily be removed during the spinning process.

Learn more about Ryeland: https://youtu.be/UPY3_iGhLCU


Wash in cold water by hand; reshape and lay flat to dry. Be sure to set your yarn in warm soapy water with no agitation. Rinse thoroughly and block if desired. Do not scour or raise above 180F or else the silk will lose its luster.

Not all computer monitors are created equal, despite my best efforts to take accurate photographs. If there is an overcharge on shipping of more than $1, I always refund the difference. Thank you for understanding.

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If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit my blog: http://expertlydyed.blogspot.com/

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Wash in warm water by hand; reshape and lay flat to dry. Be sure to set your yarn in warm soapy water with no agitation. Rinse thoroughly and block if desired. This fiber WILL felt. Want to see the tutorials I have for spinning beautiful art batts like this one?:

Not all computer monitors are created equal, despite my best efforts to take accurate photographs. If there is an overcharge on shipping of more than $1, I always refund the difference. Thank you for understanding. If you have further questions, please send me a conversation!

Please visit my Etsy shop for other fiber goodies!: http://www.expertlydyed.etsy.com